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Daily Study Schedule?

kaysokaysokaykaysokaysokay Live Member
in General 11 karma

I'm really struggling, and I have been all summer, with following a daily study routine. As many of you can relate to, I have classes Mon-Fri, and I also work part-time. When I have an overwhelming week, the first task I scale back is LSAT Prep, but I know this is hurting my performance because it results in an inconsistent cycle of insufficient study time.

What does your daily study schedule look like, and how did you manage to make it a habit? Any feedback is appreciated.


  • HamurabiHamurabi Alum Member
    71 karma

    I think the most important favor you can give yourself is to build a morning routine around your LSAT. Waking up at 5 might sound very daunting but it actually works and it is a great experience. I am not a morning person but I grew to enjoy it. What many people don't realize about waking up early is that it takes the effort and discipline, and the effort starts the day and evening before. For example, I would start my downtime at 7pm after which I would avoid screen time, social activities...etc. which would help me to sleep around 9-9:30. With that, I would naturally wake up at 5 or earlier.

    Your morning mindset matters too. I'd generally not expect myself to feel great within the first 30 minutes. I'd also hold off on having coffee until 90 minutes after waking. These strategies are supported by neuroscience. I encourage following Andrew Huberman podcast and publications to learn more.

    Doing the LSAT for a couple of hours is a great way to kickoff the day. You will be most focused and productive. So your studying time need not be more than a couple of hours a day. But also, it just feels great to have accomplished something first thing in the day. That will help you enjoy your day more and can motivate you to attend to your other responsibilities.

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