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How much time to review PT?

As the October test is fast approaching, I want to maximize my time and increase my score by a few points. I have a general sense of what questions I'm getting wrong/am unsure of and the reasons why I get confused and choose the wrong AC. My question is how much time do people spend reviewing the PT and going through explanation videos? I'm finding that I try to thoroughly go through JY's explanations but I feel as if I'm losing precious time to drill and make sure my understanding of certain Q types is concrete.


  • lucasjameszieglerlucasjamesziegler Alum Member
    385 karma

    I usually spend 2-3 hours going through it, games if I know I nailed it I leave it alone, same with RC passages. LR is my weakest so I usually like to write out each conclusion and all the support to better train my brain on what I am looking for. Hope this helps.

  • 308 karma

    @lucasjamesziegler thanks! I definitely think I've been putting too much time towards reviewing PTs.
    I also saw your post re: LR. PM'd you!

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