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Panic after PT83

ClaudioD21ClaudioD21 Member
edited September 2022 in Logical Reasoning 414 karma

Hello everyone. I’m looking for some advice as I’m honestly panicking now. I took PT83 today and I had heard that PTs in the 80s were much more difficult. The LG section wasn’t bad but I ran out of time and got -8. The RC was ok and I also got -8 which is around my average. Now LR… I had been averaging -8/9 and got destroyed with a -15. Even worse, 7Sage classified this LR section as a 2 star difficulty section as a whole. I’m signed up for the October and LSAT and feel completely lost now. I thought I was finally improving LR but after hearing how the current LSATs are much like the PTs in the 80s I’m really worried. -15 in LR is abysmal especially in what 7sage considers to be a 2 star (easier) section. On BR, I got an extra 6 questions correct bringing my BR score to -9 (which is still bad) but definitely not -15. Where do I go from here? I feel like all hope is lost considering the October LSAT is right there.


  • Ignore it and keep PTing. I scored a 153 on a PT right before August test and ended up receiving a 163. I know it's hard but just act like it didn't happen and keep going.

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