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Applying to t14s as reverse splitter

kimste17kimste17 Alum Member
edited September 2022 in Law School Admissions 74 karma

My lsac gpa (if I calculated correctly) is much higher than the 75th percentile of most top schools, but I've been PTing in the high 160s/low 170s. I'm taking the exam in October and planning on applying in November. Right now, my top schools are Columbia (ED), NYU, UChicago, Michigan, Northwestern, and Georgetown. Would my GPA (and other things like leadership, job experience) be enough to balance out my lower LSAT score?


  • Matt SorrMatt Sorr Alum Member
    edited September 2022 2245 karma

    It's totally possible. It's undeniable that the LSAT is emphasized more than GPA, but some schools, like UChicago, are known to place more emphasis on GPA than some of their peers. And your leadership and job experience may just be what they're looking for. I'll say a couple of things, though: If you score in the low 170s, which is already in your range, you won't even be a reverse splitter at some of the lower T14s. Additionally, until you're a legitimate reverse splitter (meaning you have a below-ideal LSAT score on the books), I'd advise that you don't put yourself into that mindset. It's totally possible that you break your score plateau before the test or just have a good day, in which case you don't have to worry about this. Basically, I just advise that you keep grinding! Convincing yourself that your LSAT score is doomed to be drastically subpar isn't helpful in any way, nor is it true.

  • alexandracortese04alexandracortese04 Live Member
    2 karma

    Do you mind sharing what your outcome was? We have very similar stats and school choices.

  • veronica_svveronica_sv Alum Member
    6 karma

    i'm the opposite; 3.7ish GPA and regularly PTing between 177 and 179 (average has been a 177). is there any way i have a chance at some T14s? the only reason my gpa is a 3.7 is because i had a faulty freshman year due to an issue in my personal life (which was documented) and after freshman year i got it together and since first sem sophomore year i've been earning straight 4.0s in every single course i've taken. can i reasonably expect to get into at least one T14, all else constant?

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