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Anyone else compete with CC comments?

dag_6610dag_6610 Core Member
in General 63 karma

So I'm coming up on finishing the CC, and I just wanted to put this out there to see if anyone can relate. To the people who post their scores in the comment section under CC problem set videos - I have been engaged in a bitter, intense rivalry with you ever since the beginning of my LSAT journey. Seriously, I've waged war on most, if not all score posters in the CC. My routine is as follows: click on a new problem set, scroll to the comments, recognize challengers ("6/6 with 2 minutes to go!") and set my sights at achieving victory over these foes at all costs. Whether by score or by time, there was never an opponent too weak or too strong worthy of my consideration for battle.

There are some commenters I have truly proven my worth over, while others remain elusive. There are some commenters who've been engaged in battle with me since the very first LR sets - and whom I remain in mortal combat with to this very day. The battles along the way can only be described as epic: midnight celebrations/war parades over achieving a 14/14 score over a formidable opponent's 13/14 will forever be some of my proudest moments. There have been times where I've lost myself in the true goal of this all (going to law school) and have entered this truly unique mental state - one which I imagine must be similar to the feeling achieved by mankind's greatest warriors when they're in the heart of battle.

Despite the fierce warfare, it is true that I remain absolutely indebted to these commenters for giving me the drive and motivation to get this far into my LSAT journey. By serving as my adversaries, you have truly pushed me beyond my limits. So, to the commenters who post their problem set scores, I thank you. Best of luck to everyone in their studies.


  • Matt SorrMatt Sorr Alum Member
    2245 karma

    I made a 181 on my most recent PT. Finished the games sections with 37 minutes to spare. Beat that.

  • snowcap007snowcap007 Member
    edited October 2022 180 karma

    @"Matt Sorr" Sorry…Just got a score of 1,000 on the real test, didn’t break a sweat, and finished seven hours before time was called.

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