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Finally broke 165 on PT91! 3yrs in the making

I am taking the November 2022 LSAT. I took the LSAT twice already. I scored a 152 the first time, I went to retake a few months later and scored a 150. I was devastated and I didn’t know what to do. I gave up my law school dreams for a few years and decided to pick it up in January. After months of grinding back at the start of core curriculum again, I broke 160 in august, and hovered at 158-161 for a few months, after PT91 today I broke 165! Improving is possible, stay on your grind.


  • trevorNYCgoaltrevorNYCgoal Alum Member
    324 karma

    Such a huge milestone, kudos to you for the continued perseverance and never giving up. Best of luck with everything that follows!

  • CiaraUCLACiaraUCLA Member
    68 karma

    Amazing job! Two things to be proud of, that score and your perseverance.

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