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Thank You JY and The 7Sage Team

heeranjohnheeranjohn Yearly Member
edited December 2022 in General 17 karma

I just want to take a moment and thank both JY and the entire 7Sage team for helping me accomplish what seemed to be an insurmountable task in the LSAT. I studied for the LSAT every day for 5 months, often 2+ hours a day before working 30 hours a week to save money for my law school dream. Many of the concepts were not easy for me and it took hours of repetition to get a significant grasp of the core principles. Often times I questioned whether Law School would in fact remain just a dream because of how difficult the LSAT was and how much anxiety it was causing me. Because of 7Sage little by little I made significant strides and accomplished my goal. I went from constant frustration and doubt to scoring a 156 on my first and only official LSAT. I am very happy with this score and even felt I could have done a bit better. This is all thanks to the 7Sage team and their incredible curriculum.

If you're on the fence about signing up I promise you it's worth it. JY takes the time to really highlight the important concepts of the exam and even makes studying dull monotonous concepts exciting. Thank you JY for making my dream of going to law school a reality. I hope to one day have such a positive impact on a young career as you have for me.


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