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How long do people spend on completely processing a PT?

Junior AllosaurusJunior Allosaurus Alum Member
in General 24 karma

I mean to actually do the PT, blind review and then review with answers. Usually for me the first step actually takes the least time. I probably spend 2x the time on blind review and about 2x more to make sure I fully understand every single question on the test. This can easily take me like 2 weeks to process a PT since I'm working full time. I feel like this can't be right and it's super low efficient lol am I doing something wrong here? Please advise and any suggestions will be appreciated!


  • canihazJDcanihazJD Alum Member Sage
    edited January 2023 8486 karma

    I don't see anything wrong with your approach. Value extracted is more important than volume of material consumed. I think one PT a week with drilling to address issues indicated by your review is perfect. The majority of my clients come to me PT'ing far too frequently, with inadequate depth of review, resulting in them leaving a lot of value on the table. This often manifests in that common scenario where you get a question wrong, and when watching the explanation video you recognize that you fell for the same trick again. Inadequate review and unfocused drilling does not store that info in a way that's accessible to you on a timed run... it only allows you to remember ex post that they got you the same way before. But that isn't helpful. You have the right idea striving for full understanding. Don't worry how quickly others go through material.

  • sh.francissh.francis Core Member
    246 karma

    For LR, 1h (2x) on br is and 1hr on review is fine. Everyone’s different but 1h is close to the max I would spend on BR though. Final Review I’ve spent more than 1h.

    For LG, depending on where you are in the curriculum it might not be worth spending that much time BRing. Give yourself some time to work through your process without time constraints but it’s okay to throw in the towel if it feels like you’re brute forcing it. There’s likely something you’re missing in the setup and inferences anyway and if you’re spending way too much time solving it you’re probably just reinforcing a bad technique.

    RC BR is the most straight forward. Shouldn’t take as much time as the other two.

    Your times will go down across the board as you get better and you get more questions right. I wouldn’t be so concerned about how much time it takes… the goal is to learn, not do as many PTs as you can. The learning process is the important part and the PT is the means to identify what you need to learn.

  • The2ndSageThe2ndSage Member
    64 karma

    Reviewing seems to be where your money is made. If that amount of time seems to be working for you and helping you improve, stick with it!

  • elias.christensenelias.christensen Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    37 karma

    Hey there! Generally, yes, blind review and debriefing with the answer explanations afterwards is going to take much longer than the basic test would. It's slow, but it pulls a lot of value on each test. However, if you find that routine is wearing on you or difficult to balance with the demands of your job, you can pull back on some tests—not all—to only blind reviewing flagged questions, or a particular section you'd like to focus on. You can also build drills to take in between tests and vary your studying routine, which can give you a lot more flexibility when balancing LSAT studies with work! And if you'd like advice on how to make more effective use of your free time on the LSAT, you can always schedule a free consultation with one of our tutors here:

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