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Hi All,
I was wondering if anyone else has this problem. I find myself having to make myself sit down and study. Almost like an internal battle where I try to do anything BUT study, and I have to literally force myself to study. I wondered what would be the cause of this. I realized it was because of fear. I was procrastinating due to the fear of not understanding the LSAT material or the fear of not being able to improve from my 148 score. I also realized I had a fear of success. If I do master the LSAT and become an attorney, do I have it in me to juggle the demands of being an attorney? I realized I was self-sabotaging myself by not studying. And when I wouldn't study, I would feel miserable and anxious, knowing I was letting myself and my future down. I realized I have to discipline myself to sit down and study, and I am sure my future self will thank me. You will never regret an investment in yourself and in your knowledge! Please let me know if anyone else struggled through this.
Sorry, my comment probably won't help but I definitely struggle with the exact thing you're talking about! Often times, it even results in me quitting my problem sets half way through because I feel like I'm not completing them fast enough and I'm scared to see how unprepared I am to get a good score. I think the approach you are taking is the correct one and it has been working for me as well. At the end of the day, we need to discipline ourselves to sit down, and be okay with getting messy with the LSAT. It's the only way to grow and we have to trust that process:). Hopefully we can both have success stories at the end of this journey and help others with this issue!
I feel like I wrote this post- totally called out. Good luck!
Omg u took the words out of my mouth!! I have been procrastinating for 3days now and my anxiety is thru the roof. Yet I’m on 7Sage going through forums
when are you doing the lsat?
Yep. Especially with taking practice tests. "I can't fail if I don't try!" It makes no sense, but that's how my brain works.
I understand what you're going through, and I think it's completely normal--and even healthy--to struggle with self-doubt. I personally recommend studying as systematically as possible. Write up a schedule and treat it like a job. Clock in, clock out. Doing the work is quite literally all there is to it. It's both the sufficient and necessary condition to success.
Also, never forget that failure is an accomplishment in and of itself. A shitty PT proves you put yourself through the wringer. Failure is something to be achieved.
Stay diligent, my friend! You can do it.
Consistency and motivation are two important but very difficult factors to maintain when studying for the LSAT. Setting attainable daily goals for yourself and creating structure are two really helpful things. Another thing that can be really useful for accountability is working with others! A study buddy or a study group can provide this for you.
If that sounds interesting or resonates with you at all, I recommend you join us for our next "Study Group Breakout" on Monday, March 13th from 9:00-10:30pm ET.
Here's how it works:
Register for the Breakout no later than Sunday, March 12th.
Take PT54 Section 1 (based on 7Sage's numbering - should be an RC section) and Blind Review it, but DON'T look at the answers. I suggest you take it as a "Drill" rather than as a PrepTest! You can do this by going to the "Practice" tab and choosing "Drills," then selecting "Newer" PTs, selecting "Logical Reasoning," and scrolling to PT54 S2 (NOT S4, the other LR section for this test). You will have to individually add each question to your drill, but hit "Create drill with 26 questions" at the bottom right when finished, and voila!
Log in to the Breakout Session at the appointed time. We will automatically place you in a group of 2-5 students with similar scores so you can review the section together.
At the end of the session, you can exchange emails and keep meeting if you enjoyed the group.
Hope to see you there! Register for the event using this link:
Many african children couldn't go to school because of $2 tuition fee. Education is a luxury to me, and I can't do anything but enjoy it. I am mother of a university graduate, non-native speaker. I work full time and study every day, feeling life is so meaningful. LOL
Hi 7Sagers!
So sorry for any confusion; there was a typo in our original instructions to join the Study Group Breakout (see @"valentina.soares-1" comment). To be clear, the section to complete before the event is an RC section, NOT an LR section, and is listed as PT54 S1 on 7Sage. To take it as a Drill on our website, go to the "Practice" tab and choosing "Drills," then selecting "Newer" PTs, selecting "Reading Comprehension," and scrolling to PT54 S1. You will have to individually add each passage to your drill, but hit "Create drill with 4 passages" at the bottom right when finished. Hope this clears things up and looking forward to seeing you at our Study Group Breakout! Register here:
Same feeling I am having. I kept coming back to the same logic game sequence question for 2 months 🤣 I finally got it right though after two months as of yesterday. I want to give up everyday because it’s hard but I have to keep trying because you may fail , if you try, but you most certainly will fail if you don’t. I work full time have a very busy life with family , competitive sports , the whole nine, & it’s very hard to juggle life , work, then studying, understand it’s not how fast you get there but that you get there . I’m giving myself a pep talk here as well. You are not alone!
For me, studying for LSAT and Law is a life-death situation. Family issues and whatso not. I don't want to be sent to jail for 10 years due to simple assault/dog bites.
Maybe try waking up earlier. Puts a whole different perspective on the day.
I feel the same way. Like all I think about is the LSAT, but I just cant get myself to study and time is running out. Even half way through studying I go and check my answers and discourage myself and stop studying all together.