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Stuck at 159...Help breaking through 160

micaela13micaela13 Core Member
in General 24 karma

I've been stuck around 159 for a couple of months now. I took a month off studying which I regret because I had been steadily improving and after jumping back in I've been stuck where I left off. My goal is to break through 160, I would be super happy if I could get a 165. Planning to retake the exam in August and have plenty of time to study until then. Managed a 160 on PT92, and a 159 on the Feb LSAT this year.

LG has been my nemesis from the beginning so I've exclusively focused on studying LG. I went from missing about -17 questions to now average -11. I have a couple of learning disabilities that make LG extra challenging, but I would love to bump my average up tiny bit more in this section. My reading comp average is -5, and LR is -6.8. I'm thinking it might be time to switch gears a bit and stop neglecting the other sections during my studying. I drill and review LG a few hours a day for 2-4 days a week and try and take a PT at least once a month right now. I should have a bit more time to study starting May and hope to PT weekly and study 3-5 days a week for a min of 3-5 hours.

I would love to hear any advice about how I should shift my study strategy over the next couple of months to bump my score a few more points by August.

Also curious to hear from other folks with ADHD or other learning disabilities about any unconventional study tips that were helpful.

Thanks in Advanced!


  • Andres.ULSATAndres.ULSAT Live Member
    48 karma

    Hey! I also plan to take it on August. If you are struggling with LG, I recommend getting the LG powerscore bible (is like 200 pages max with exercises) on top of the lessons in the core curriculum by JY. Both the book and the lessons teach you essential elements to improve your timing, especially making inferences and deducing which elements cannot go in certain spots. I do not have any disability so unfortunately, I cannot help with that, but English is my second language and I sort of understand your pain.

    I wish I performed as good as you in RC and LR, and many other people too, so feel encouraged to learn LG because I believe is the most learnable section of the LSAT. Good luck! I bet you can easily reach your goal if you continue this way!

  • yhtkimyhtkim Alum Member
    242 karma

    I was in the same boat as you, often missing 10 or more questions on LG. I worked through the Powerscore bible, then spent a solid month foolproofing around 40 games ( Since then, I've very rarely done worse than -4 on LG, and I'm still improving. This is a common experience. Granted, I don't know the details of your learning disabilities, but I'm willing to bet my parents' house that you can do it too.

    But, as you've noted, you shouldn't be skimping on the other sections. I barely touched LR for the month I was foolproofing, and I paid the price--my average dropped by about 4 points. It took me almost a month to get my mojo back.

    Also, having more time to study in May is bound to boost your score. Overall, I think things are looking good for you. Just stay on the grind, my friend. The 160s await you!

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