I'm starting to build a large enough sample of PTs (just took my 7th today) that using the analytics to inform my prep seems like a sensible option. There's a lot of information, though, and I'm not too sure how to translate it into a study strategy. I understand the basic idea; it tells me that I'm bad at pseudo-sufficient assumption, so I should work on that. I'm curious, though, what else you guys get from it and how you apply it. For instance, do the question/section difficulty ratings tell you anything during your review?
What information on there do you guys most value, and how do you use it specifically to guide your next week of studying?
Thanks, all.
I don't really use the analytics for RC and LG since they don't paint as clear a picture of your weaknesses relative to the LR analytics.
The analytics are also good for seeing your timed and BR trends and pointing out confidence errors. The analytics can help you focus on minimizing confidence errors by showing you the types of questions that you have them on and if there are any patterns to that.
Now that I've taken about 10 PTs I'm starting to make new LR sections out of questions I missed.
There are also study/drill schedules available on the LSAT Trainer website.