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Study Buddy for Sept LSAT with 175+ Scorers

hannah845ahannah845a Alum Member

Hi! Not sure if this is a weird request but TLDR: trying to do one practice test a day (MINUS THE LOGIC GAMES SECTION) with someone over zoom (or something) because I keep getting distracted while taking tests and it's bad! Also I've never had a study buddy before and I feel like it would be nice.

Looking for someone who is willing to do this with me from 10:30 AM ET to 12:30 PM ET or so (can go a bit earlier or later, I'm actually pretty flexible with time so just reach out if you're even a little interested! It doesn't even have to be every day). We can use the leftover time to go over wrong questions (which there won't be a lot of, hopefully!!) and concerns/strategies. Again, not looking to do the logic games sections together. Currently scoring in the 177 range but am looking for a 180. Sorry if this sounds kind of hellish!! Please DM me if interested :) I'm currently on ptest 70 or so because I started at like 65 or something, but am flexible with which ptests we do.

πŸ”’ I'm currently scoring: 177-178

πŸ“† My planned test date: Sept 7 or maybe 8 I forget

πŸ“ˆ To study, I have been: Taking 1 ptest a day, just started trying drills on hardest mode

πŸ”‘ My goals for this group are: to hold each other accountable

πŸ” We'll focus on: Reading Comp and Logical Reasoning

πŸ“š When we'll meet and what we'll do: Daily, hopefully? Or even every other day, or even once every 3 days. Kind of up to you/how many people are okay with this LOL

βœ… How to join: DM me if interested! If it ends up being a group that'd be nice.

If this is relevant, I'll be doing the questions w paper and pencil and also will be in a starbucks or something! Also I'm a woman if that makes you more comfortable.


  • 1stWorldProblems1stWorldProblems Live Member
    edited August 2023 737 karma

    hm, I do qualify although I'm still super intimidated by your stats!) I've scored all of my PTs in the mid 170 range (except one), but I've only done 11 of them, and my drills can still be a hit/miss, (I also started studying in June with ZERO prior foray into LSAT/Law School), maybe put me down as your 'alternative' study partner option. I live in NYC by the way, so we are probably on the same time zone.
    katharine RAE

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