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Awful at logic games

2tUSSCs-1-1-1-12tUSSCs-1-1-1-1 Alum Member
in Logic Games 84 karma

I frankly don't understand why I'm so bad at logic games. If I were no worse at logic games than I am at reading comprehension and the short answer section, I think I would regularly score in the high 160s/low 170s. I've practiced logic games a fair amount, and I think I've done a fair amount of the 7Sage curriculum on logic games. But I often get in the -8 to -13 range. Do I just need to start the 7Sage curriculum on logic games over again? (This is what I'm probably going to do.) I feel like it's totally feasible for me to regularly get -5 or better on logic games, but that's very much not where I am at present. Any thoughts? (I realize this question has probably been asked countless times, so feel free to point me to an existing answer to this type of question.) Thanks!


  • reesejgalvinreesejgalvin Alum Member
    14 karma

    Just keep drilling. Get really good at conditionals (Go watch the videos in the LR section) and then come back to LG and drill drill drill. LG is all about being able to isolate and understand the rules and apply them to various scenarios. Becoming fluent in conditionality and lawgic will help immensely.

  • 2tUSSCs-1-1-1-12tUSSCs-1-1-1-1 Alum Member
    84 karma

    Thanks, that's helpful. I mean, I do well in LR and RC; it's just LG that I need help on. I think I really should just drill LG over and over and over.

  • AlexLSAT.AlexLSAT. Alum Member
    807 karma

    See this post:

    Your process should look something like this:

    1. Do game section under timed conditions
    2. Blind review and fix mistakes
    3. Put stats (time it took to complete each game and score) in a spreadsheet of some sort to track the information.
    4. Foolproof the game until under target time and perfect score, noting in your spreadsheet your attempts.

    I promise you if you do this over and over you will improve and easily get through -5, especially since you're already solid on the other sections and can focus more on LG.

    The method above took me 1-2 months of drilling LG every day to get to -1 to -0 consistent.

    You got this. Let me know if you need more help or have questions on specific LG!

  • JDream2025JDream2025 Live Member
    1012 karma

    I use to get 4 or 5 right in the entire LG section. Now I’m at -2 or -3. You’ve to understand what mistakes you’re making and not make those mistakes again. Make deductions. They’re actually fun. I used to hate them. Someone said to keep drilling, but if you’re approaching is wrong, you’re going to keep making the same mistake. What type of questions are you getting wrong? Are you getting more right when you’re not timing yourself?

  • clairenance2clairenance2 Alum Member
    3 karma

    I was the same way. I got so frustrated just by reading a game that I could never get myself to do them. Ultimately, I had to force myself to start doing a few drills a day and I quickly saw so much improvement. I never thought I would be able to miss 0 questions on an LG drill but after practicing I am!

  • noorthawanoorthawa Alum Member
    10 karma

    For me, the best way to improve was to map out a game on my own, compare my map to a video (Khan Academy or 7sage), see where I made mistakes or misunderstood rules, and then move on to questions. I did this because if I did make a mistake in the map, I would spend all that time going through the questions with the wrong foundation and any mistake I made in the questions is basically un-reviewable because the issue was with the map. This way, you get really good at making sure your maps are correct and when your answers are wrong, you can dig deep into what you did wrong in the question instead of the map. Eventually, you move on to doing entire sets and checking everything after.

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