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Should I retake the LSAT?


So I scored a 158 on the August LSAT, which is a little below my average score of 160. Though I am happy with my score, I most definitely feel like I could have scored in the 160's if I hadn't struggled with a game that I'm almost certain I didn't score -0, which is what I usually score. I've already taken the LSAT 3 times, so October would be my 4th and I'm at a point of burnout tbh. Right now, I'm wrapping up my essays and I was really hoping to apply as early as possible because I know that I will most likely be a reverse splitter at every school I apply to since I have a 4.0 GPA.

Part of me is saying retake, another is saying will 2/3 points really make a difference, and even then, if I don't get the 160, I'll be applying later than I hoped.

For reference, I have a 4.0 GPA, graduated a year early with a B.S. and 2 minors, I have more than a year of legal experience working at a law firm, an extensive resume with extracurricular activities and awards, and I genuinely think my essays will stand out (although I'm sure most of us think this anyways). The only weak point in my application will be my LSAT, but I'm not looking to apply to any of the schools in the top 40 (looking at regional schools in Texas and bordering states). Any advice would help!

Should I retake the LSAT?
  1. Is it worth aiming for a 160?23 votes
    1. Yes
    2. No
    3. It probably won't matter
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