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7Sage Bar Cancelled?

MaximilianK.GarzaMaximilianK.Garza Alum Member
in Bar 4 karma

What happened to 7Sage Bar? I’ve heard excellent reviews from the course and was planning on enrolling. However, I see that it was cancelled, why is that? Which other prep course would anyone recommend?


  • emmaagron12emmaagron12 Free Trial Member
    1 karma

    Hello! I am having a lot of difficulty writing my addendum to explain my two LSAT score cancellations.It is also important to note that schools DO see canceled scores on your record. And although schools will not judge you harshly for canceling one test, having more than one cancellation on your record can look bad. Additionally, a canceled score still counts toward the number of times you are allowed to take the LSATIt is also important to note that schools DO see canceled scores on your record. And although schools will not judge you harshly for canceling one test, having more than one cancellation on your record can look bad. Additionally, a canceled score still counts toward the number of times you are allowed to take the LSAT

  • kl1818974kl1818974 Free Trial Member
    1 karma

    What happened to 7Sage Bar? I've heard excellent reviews from the course and was planning on enrolling. However, I see that it was cancelled worst case scenario came true. I took slope unblocked the January 2023 LSAT for the first time, did not do great, and cancelled my score.I took the June test on June 13, and while I was taking the last section of the test, the proctor abruptly terminated my test and would not ...

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