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Accommodation that really helps with test anxiety

markmywordsmarkmywords Core Member
in General 243 karma

I took the LSAT in October. I can get out of my mind anxious when I'm testing, to the point that I can't comprehend what I've even reading. I call it "seeing white". Anyway, I have stop/start breaks and I can't tell you how much it helped. I was able to stop the clock and swivel my chair around at any point during the test and just breathe. It wasn't even for a whole minute every time. I would just close my eyes, breath, and ground myself. I have a list of affirmations I've written I read to myself leading up to testing. During the test I'd say the ones to myself I remembered and it was super helpful. Anxiety freaking sucks and I know i'm not the only one who struggles so wanted to pass this along. Say what you will about my cheesy affirmations, everyone JY interviews who scores high talks about how important mental health is during this process. 🤓

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