Posting on Behalf of a 7Sage User: PT72.S4.Q1 - A Radio Station Airs Hourly News

Diana - Student ServiceDiana - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services

[I am posting on behalf of a 7Sage user. Please feel free to leave your comments below. Thank you for your help!]

I have a question regarding a logic game. The rule says that S has to be the SHORTEST of the five.

So, why is B correct, as S is listed in the third position not the fifth. May you please advise?



  • MarinaraSauce-1MarinaraSauce-1 Alum Member
    edited October 2023 6 karma

    The updates have to be listed in order of longest to shortest within each segment.

    The following answer is correct because of the 3 shows in segment 1, sports is the shortest and is thus listed as last.

    First Segment: national, international, sports,
    Second Segment: weather, traffic

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