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PT Improvement?

ann00122ann00122 Member
edited August 2015 in General 11 karma
Last week I had increased my PT score by 7 points, but the one I took after that was 5 points lower. Has anyone had a fluctuation like this before, or do most people just consistently improve? Any advice/comment would help on how people generally improve from PT to PT


  • Matt1234567Matt1234567 Inactive ⭐
    1294 karma
    I would say fluctuations are normal. However, I would like to qualify that by stating that your fluctuations should not be too extreme.

    I don't think there's a quick fix of improving on PT's aside from blind reviewing all the questions that gave you a rough time and really focusing on your mistakes.
  • c.janson35c.janson35 Free Trial Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2398 karma
    Especially when you're starting out, fluctuations like that are completely normal. All that has to happen to produce a 5 point difference is that you miss 2 more questions that you find harder in each section. As you progress, the number of questions that confuse you and seem really opaque will fall; until then, variability within your scores is normal.
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    You will definitely see a fluctuation over the first 10-20 PTs with the goal being to reduce that fluctuation and develop some consistency in your target range. It's perfectly normal, just keep at it, do a thorough BR of the questions you circled during the timed test and make sure you BR with a clean test, then just use the analytics to figure out your weak spots and shore those up as necessary.
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