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April LSAT specific date and testing location

hodginkhodgink Live Member
edited December 2023 in General 35 karma

Hey guys! So my first test will be in April and I am a little confused. So, there will be a registration that comes out a few weeks before that allows you to select a date and time? Do you also select the location there? I have been approved for accommodations that are best served in person and not online, so is this not guaranteed? Finally, I know this may sound dumb but I am very paranoid about this whole process lol-are there guaranteed to be enough spots for those signed up for the April LSAT or is there a chance I get in the que too late and am SOL. Thanks!


  • graceseyoum-1-1graceseyoum-1-1 Alum Member
    42 karma

    Hi! I don't remember 100% but I think the first thing you do is pay for the test on the LSAC and tell them your testing preferences (in person, remote, etc). Then LSAC will email you in the weeks leading up to the registration deadline with more information. Whenever they email saying that testing registration with the proctor is available you register for the exam and pick your testing location then. I've never heard of someone not being able to test because of overbooking. But play it safe and make sure that you're logging on to register for the test with the proctor the moment the LSAC says you can.

  • melinaa247melinaa247 Alum Member
    12 karma

    Hi ~ the following is based on my experience of the process so far!

    LSAC will email you regarding when registration will open and for which exact dates in April. Depending on which date/mode of exam you prefer, the registration time and date will be different. This is to ensure the registration website doesnt crash.

    A day before(or on the day of) the first registration date, LSAC will send the link to the registration website. On it, you can click on 'register for in-person exam' and then choose where you would like to take your exam by searching for your location. I would recommend going on the website right when it opens to ensure you get your preferred time in your preferred location. Even if you fail to register, you can always wait until registration reopens a couple days later and see whether you can get your preferred time then.

    If you fail to get any in person spots at all, I would assume you would have to take it online; but honestly, I wouldn't be too worried about it.

    Good luck!

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