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Main Conclusion Questionn

eeljasonnneeljasonnn Alum Member

Is the main conclusion for main conclusion questions always explicitly stated in the stimulus? I was wondering if there was ever a case where the main conclusion turned out not to be in the stimulus but an answer choice that happened to be supported by all the premises in the stimulus. Or would this be a MSS thing instead?



  • trentwarrentrentwarren Core Member
    17 karma

    There will be no question that asks you to identify a MC in an argument where this is none, or else it wouldn't be an argument. There will always be one idea/proposition/sentance being supported but not supporting. The correct AC usually just restates that MC in different but accurate wording. What your talking about sounds like MSS, hope that helps/makes sense

  • eeljasonnneeljasonnn Alum Member
    93 karma

    Yep it does, thanks!

  • silviojrennasilviojrenna Core Member
    20 karma

    @eeljasonnn said:
    Yep it does, thanks!

    yea sometimes they try to couch it in language that makes it look like a premise, but it's always in there in one form or another.

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