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How To Decide to Keep or Discard Scores

NotMySundayBestNotMySundayBest Live Member
in General 47 karma

I take my first LSAT in about an hour and don't feel great about it. I am still consistently -10 or worse on the logic games section, and roughly -5 on LR. My RC is fine, within a -3. I've seen that some law schools do average test scores between all the LSATs you take and some do not. I also know with score preview you can choose to discard the score. That makes it feel like a glorified diagnostic test to me, but I'm really not confident in my score. How do you decide to discard a score or keep it?


  • jakobwebber5jakobwebber5 Core Member
    2 karma

    Law schools still know that you took the test (to my understanding) so voiding scores isn't really a great idea. They'll understand that message loud and clear.

  • tntigertaytntigertay Live Member
    12 karma

    I decided against preview because although the score may not be what you want (happened to me as well), it's still an attempt! Also if you plan to test again, allowing admissions see your stats is a show of improvement.

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