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Body double studying for April?

LSAThater-liteLSAThater-lite Alum Member
in General 31 karma

Hey there,

Anyone interested in virtually body doubling for April's test? We'd zoom while studying separately but the body double aspect helps your brain stay on task. It's like getting the pros of studying in a coffee shop without having to deal with loud talking and spending money every study session. We could also follow the pomodoro method while studying so we have built-in breaks with our study blocks. I just took the January test and I'm waiting until first week of February to resume studying. No official score but the four PTs I've taken ranged from 159-165. I need to buckle down and learn LG until it's second nature for me. Will also be drilling a lot of RC and then toward the end of my prep I'll be doing the PTs in the 80s and 90s.

I'm Mountain Standard time and during the week I'll be available to study from 7 pm-9 pm. Maybe even 5 am - 6 am as the test gets closer.

Drop a comment if interested!

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