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Which PT should I save after June 2024?

Pineapples_r_litPineapples_r_lit Alum Member
in General 27 karma

Hello, I am planning out the rest of the two months left until the June LSAT with the games. My best scoring section is the games which will no longer be on the test in August, therefore, I am hoping to get a decent score so I don't have to retake it without the Game section. I have been trying to take the older tests but with the test coming up I want to plan for at least 2 PT a week and maybe the Newer tests.
I have completed the following: PT 47 to PT 52 , PT 59 to PT 71, PT 78, and PT 20.

I have not touched anything above 80 which I was thinking I start the last month. Is there a good way to plan what PT to take and which to save?

Let me know what you think I should do, what PTs to take, which ones to save for after June, etc. Any help is appreciated!


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