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Step 2 of BRing the Reading Comp

Question, while you're BRing with Step 2, after initially timing your work in a section, is there a more effective method of writing out the answer choices? Separate colored pen? Directly on the test versus on a separate sheet of paper? Gradually work to just doing them in your head? I understand the process clearly. I would just like to know if theres a methodology you would recommend for the implementation of Step 2. Thanks!


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    I don't actually write anything down, but a lot of people do. If I did do this I would just open a Word document and type it in because I type way faster than I write and it's much more comfortable.
  • cliffinesscliffiness Alum Member
    86 karma
    i write my BR answers in pencil on my test sheet so it's easier to input the scores and to see the comparison of what i originally thought during the timed process and what i thought afterwards.
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