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Harvard Waitlist Interview Invitation

purpleikpurpleik Core Member
edited May 15 in Law School Admissions 15 karma

I can't believe I'm in this position! Does anyone have any insight on how likely it is to be accepted from the WL after an interview? Do they interview a lot of people on WL to give themselves options? Or do they interview people they are likely to accept. Any advice is appreciated!


  • ericdanielsilvagomezericdanielsilvagomez Live Member
    108 karma

    I don’t have any advice, but I hope you get in! 💪🏽

  • PadfP175PadfP175 Live Member
    13 karma

    I don't have any advice, BUT I'm sending all of the love and acceptance your way. YOU GOT THIS!!!

  • Goose007Goose007 Core Member
    18 karma

    I have 0 advice. but i'm rooting for you like you have no idea.

  • coolcafeprocoolcafepro Live Member
    9 karma

    Just be yourself that’s the best advice I can give.

  • katherine-9katherine-9 Alum Member
    13 karma

    if you haven't, you might wanna pose the question to r/lawschooladmissions. they might have more insight.

  • Alum Member
    108 karma

    I love this community. Hoping you the best as well!

  • gxna.z2025gxna.z2025 Alum Member
    38 karma

    That's amazing news! I don't have any advice. BUT I'M WISHING YOU THE BEST!

  • mari.pbasultomari.pbasulto Core Member
    2 karma

    I don't have advice on this but sending you good vibes!!!

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