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Moving test from June to August

daanishbhatti32daanishbhatti32 Core Member
in General 47 karma

Hello everyone,

I am considering changing my test from June to August. I have been scoring in the low 160's and would like to score in 165-170. My highest PT was a 165. I have taken about 15 practice tests. Logic Games is my best section but not by that much, usually 4-6 questions are missed on average.

Given other posts and listening to some podcasts, it seems that the obvious choice is to push to August. In other words, if not achieving a goal score in PTs, push it to a later date.

I am hesitant about changing from June to August because I'd really like to just give the LSAT a go and see how it turns out. I know it seems naive, but I've been studying for 3-4 months and feel like I finally have the momentum to try it. Additionally, I don't know if I'll be able to mantain the same schedule that has allowed me to improve thus far.

I think I would be comfortable taking it again in August. Please let me know what you guys think and happy to answer any follow-up questions in the comments. Thank you in advance for your suggestions and guidance, it does mean a lot.


  • srode316srode316 Core Member
    23 karma

    Personally, I would recommend taking both if you have the time/means! I took it for the first time in January knowing I was 100% going to take it again. Having had the test day experience has made me feel more confident in myself and allowed me to figure out what I struggle with most (for me, that's mental endurance- not a problem in my PTs, but definitely something in the actual test)! Plus, I feel way better knowing that theoretically I could apply to schools, even if it's not the score I want.

  • eemonghasemeemonghasem Core Member
    38 karma

    take it in june - you've got this

  • alexandragracealexandragrace Live Member
    51 karma

    Hi! I actually have a very similar situation, so I resonate with you! I decided to ditch the June test when I realized my weakness was LG. Whatever the reason may be for you, its still worth noting that if you aren't consistently scoring in a place where you'd be happy to receive a real LSAT score, I don't think you should waste a test. Needless to say, if you do go for June, give it your all! I think from what you're saying though, it might be better to just continue your studying until August when you're scoring closer to your ceiling. Hope this helps!

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