New 2024 LSAT Format - Prep Tests

HaleyL13HaleyL13 Core Member
in General 28 karma

Do the new PrepTests allow you to do blind review? Also, are these all brand new unused questions or where did they come from? I used 7Sage for well over a year to study prior to the new LSAT format but I took a break for a few months, now I am confused about what test questions I should be using for drills and which I should be using for full practice tests.


  • njtnoletanjtnoleta Core Member
    37 karma

    If I may add, I also have a question about the new test format: previous formats allowed me to print them on paper, however now it seems I am unable to. Does anyone know how to print the new format? When I click the "printable" tab, it doesn't offer me the usual PDF option with password protection to then print from.

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