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Any advice

audreymckayl16audreymckayl16 Core Member
in General 15 karma

I am planning on taking the November LSAT and I have been scoring in the 150's on practice tests, is it possible for me to get in the high 160's by November? Not to mention I have no commitments work or school wise, so I have all day and time to study up until test dates. Any advice or takes?


  • ntrepanier5ntrepanier5 Alum Member
    310 karma

    100% possible. Keep grinding, keep doing PTs, drills, blind reviewing, wrong answer journaling, taking care of yourself, the whole shabang. Took me probably 5-6 months to move from 150s to high 160s but (a) I was doing school full time (and you won't be) and (b)I didn't come across 7sage until halfway through my studies, so you're already ahead of the game. With four months to go until November, I'd say this is TOTALLY doable for you.

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