Of course you are. You're about to take an important test. It's not the most important test though. That one you will be taking in February.
Just kidding. This is likely the last LSAT you'll ever take.
I'm only trying to remind you that for something this important, there are second chances. That's not true for a lot of other important things in life, so that's something to feel good about.
For most of you, you already know what score you'll get. Take your past three recent (e.g., 68, 69, 70) properly administered LSAT Prep Tests and average your score. You'll get plus or minus 3 points of that average.
You are as prepared as you can be and there is nothing standing between you and that score. You've already seen everything they'll throw at you and you've amply demonstrated your ability to respond. Saturday will not be new day and the December 2013 LSAT will not be a new LSAT. It will only be "LSAT Prep Test 71" which will be just like PT 70 and PT 69 and PT 68 and so on.
For Saturday, remember this: keep moving.
You've met curve breaker questions before. Every LSAT has them. Every student who has ever taken the LSAT before you has encountered them. You will encounter them again on Saturday. I'm telling you this now, so you'll be prepared. Skip those difficult questions. Don't let a couple questions break your rhythm.
Just keep moving.
You got this.
Test Mentality!
As a yoga teacher and wanna-be-law-school-student I have found that over and over again a POSITIVE mentality plays 80% of a role in your success. +10% for the PAST dedication, time, effort, blood/sweat/tears you have shed in the preparation for this exam. +10% is taking your self-confidence and transcending it into action. You are so powerful. Have you ever worked to your full potential? DO IT FOR YOU. Make yourself extremely proud and content on Saturday. Gather your sticks and throw them all over the test, methodically picking up each one and returning it to where it belongs. Good luck to all!
Most of all remember on test day, this is your chance to prove your tenacity, your gusto, your uff, your passion for your goals.