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Having difficulty Drilling

meaganekmeaganek Alum Member

I have been going through the LR curriculum and get -1 in each section with the drills provided. However, when I go to take my own drills I am scoring poorly, and advice?


  • ntrepanier5ntrepanier5 Alum Member
    328 karma

    Depends on how much time you're taking for the curriculum drills: is it shorter or longer than the standard 1 minute and ~20 seconds per question?

    Also (not a super concrete response) changing your mindset could help. I found when I was working through the curriculum I took the drills embedded in the curriculum much more seriously than I did my own drills. I don't know if it was to prove to myself that I was actually learning or what, but I noticed it had a sizeable impact on how many I got wrong on my personal drills.

    Another personal theory of mine: the "You Try" questions embedded in the curriculum tend to select questions that are (a) similar in reasoning and answer choices to the questions youv'e just seen JY demonstrate in the Lessons and (b) much more traditional/orthodox in how they present that reasoning. That's intentional because the curriculum is designed to help you see patterns, but it isn't perfectly representative of questions in "the wild" (no shade to 7sage tho bc there's tons of nuance to LSAT questions so I wouldn't expect anyone to be able to perfectly prepare students for every single question variant they'll ever see). So part of your lower performance on your personal drills could be down to that.

    In terms of moving forward, just keep plugging along. Keep BRing, keep reviewing your Wrong Answer Journal, keep studying WHY you're getting certain questions wrong. Improvement will come if you put in the work. It always does.

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