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Frustrating Inconsistencies

bobbyevans3rdbobbyevans3rd Live Member

The last month or so of studying for me has been incredibly frustrating as I keep getting wildly inconsistent results. I have been studying since May and have completed the syllabus and mainly work on drilling, doing sections of PTs or PTs in their entirety. When doing one or two sections at a time I can routinely get -2 to -4 on both RC and LR. However, when I take PTs, all of my progress seems to go out of the window. Even in the first sections of my test I can score from anywhere from -7 to -10. Just today I took a PT that was frustratingly inconsistent in the test itself, scoring -9 RC, -10 LR, -6 exp RC, -3LR. I've also noticed that I tend to score worse on more recent tests, whereas older tests I seem to do far better on. Here is a breakdown of the last few tests I took and how I scored form oldest to most recent:

PT 155 - 159
PT 149 - 163
PT 143 - 160
PT 110 - 167
PT 138 - 159
PT 144 - 163
PT 145 - 159

Has anyone else had similar experiences being able to crush individual sections but not being able to translate that into PTs? And has anyone noticed a trend of newer tests feeling more difficult than older ones? I really don't get test anxiety and I don't usually feel super fatigued after a PT, so I don't think my fall off is attributable to just the long format alone. Id appreciate any advice or insight, I am taking the September exam and really want to hit a 165 or slightly higher which I think is possible if I continue to work hard.


  • ellaack8ellaack8 Core Member
    4 karma

    I came to the discussion board looking to see if anyone had this exact problem! I have been studying for a few months now and my PT scores look scarily similar. I am also taking the LSAT in Sept and worried about how I will perform with so much inconsistency. I feel that it is more worth my time now to keep drilling and taking PTs, but with such confusing scores, I am not sure what to do next or how I should adjust my studying.

    I also used to score consistently well on RC (around 80% accuracy) and have scored much lower on the more recent PTs. I am wondering if they are harder now that they have removed LG?

    If anyone has any advice on how to overcome these weirdly inconsistent scores please let me know!

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