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Tips on 5-star difficulty RC questions?

edited November 2024 in Reading Comprehension 333 karma

For those who have consistently achieved anything from -0 to -3 on RC, do you have any tips on approaching the most difficult questions of a section/passage under time constraints? On questions, I'll set a certain amount of time (e.g. 45 seconds) per question. On extremely tricky questions where I debate between 2 answers, I'll flag the question and move on if I run out of time. Typically, I'll be hyper attentive and look for a specific word that might help me eliminate an answer choice, but this doesn't always work (shoutout PT45 S2 P2 Q10 ugh). I'm currently averaging anything from -5 to -10 (a large range ik).

Is there anything specific you do while reading the passage that helps with the most difficult questions? Do you look back at the passage? Purely rely on memory and low-res? Does anything change in your approach when you're answering the last passage of a section, knowing that the questions will likely be more difficult?

Advice appreciated! Thanks!

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