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Concern over "wasting" PTs

willpjenwillpjen Core Member
in General 26 karma

Hi all,

I've taken 14 PTs. I find I learn best through a combination of drilling and PTs. However, 7Sage uses PT content for drilling. I like this, but I'm concerned about compromising future PTs due to having answered some of their questions during my drilling sessions.

I've started to plan which PTs I will take in the future, and selecting drilling questions only for PTs not belonging to that group of tests. The plan is to keep "fresh" PTs 111-121. As a result of this, I have been drilling from PTs in the 140s and 150s.

However, I'm concerned about possible differences between the quality, rigor, or relevance of different PTs. This could mislead me in my evaluations of where I am at in my LSAT journey. Are some PTs more applicable to the modern LSAT than others? If anyone has any information about this, please let me know! Also, what is your approach to this problem? Have you encountered this? If there's a flaw in my approach, or an alternate method that you've found success with, also let me know!

Any advice is appreciated- thank you


  • gsheldon709gsheldon709 Live Member
    13 karma

    I've done PT's when there's questions in them I've already done. If anything, doing the same question again after a while can be beneficial because it can help you reinforce your learning. If, for example, you get a question wrong two times in a row, it might be indicative that your base understanding needs adjustment.

  • sarahnswain99sarahnswain99 Live Member
    34 karma

    The higher ones are the ones that are most like the current exam. PTs below 130 do not have comparative passages, I would switch to plan for the highest number that you answered the least questions from.

  • natemanwell1natemanwell1 Core Member
    279 karma

    nah you got to take a ton more. I've done 1 about 180 so far (took the first 100, just finished test 75. I would highly recommend not taking the tests that are rearranged to be modern as the scale can be very different. earlier tests are harder anyways.

  • Biggest difference I've noticed is the wording in the passage or question - nothing that will make or break your understanding. Don't worry too much, because the main fundamentals and skills are tested either way. I recommend saving modern tests a bit closer to when you're planning to take an official test.

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