Hey guys I would like you all to give me some insight into my situation. I've been taking full length pretests
#39-45 beginning this month and my scored ranged from 165-172, 172 being the last of the set. Then this week I decided to switch over to the newer PT, 55-58 specifically and all of a sudden by score dropped to low 160's with me running out of time on almost every section. Any possible explanations for this? I feel like logical reasoning is kicking my butt on these newer exams. Planning to complete PT's 59-73 before the October exam. I hope I'm not burning out, been doing PT either everyday or every other day.
I do 3 Pt's a week, and even with that amount it's hard to BR properly. I'm hoping to crunch at least another 5 Pt's by the time the test rolls around. 14+ pts by then would be a crazy amount of work! That's basically 2 pts a day which would lead to burn out.
Oh, and ...
That's a damn lot of tests to do in a short amount of time. Rest is just as (if not more) important as practice. You can't rush this test but you CAN burn yourself out in the process of attempting to do so.
It just doesn't work that way above the 165+ threshold.