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Test Selections

kazzopardikazzopardi Alum Member
in General 4 karma
Hello Everyone. I plan on taking the October LSAT but I do not feel confident at all. I am also taking the December LSAT as a backup option. I read so many articles about both of these exams and when people are applying. For those who plan on going to Law School Fall 2016, which LSAT are you taking? Do you feel as though there is a harder deadline to meet for the December exam?


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    No, you're fine taking either October or December. Better score, even on a retake, even one point, is better in December than the alternative in October. At this point, just chill out, do your best on October 3rd and don't stress too much since you'll have December to fall back on. Just make sure all your apps are complete when you go to sit for the December LSAT.
  • allergicallergic Alum Member Inactive Sage
    246 karma
    If you're so unsure about how you'll do in October that you've already decided to take it in December too, you should cancel your October registration. It doesn't make sense to waste one of your takes.
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