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Is it Crazy?!?

rgrover116rgrover116 Alum Member
I have finally (after being wishy washy about committing) decided to take the LSAT. I would really like to take the December 2015 LSAT. However, as it is now almost October 1st, that only leaves me 2 months to prepare. Is this a totally crazy idea? After stumbling across the 7Sage prep courses, I feel more confident that if I buckle down and follow the course, I can do well. I am just unsure if this is totally unrealistic. Any input is appreciated!


  • Accounts PlayableAccounts Playable Live Sage
    3107 karma
    Honestly, it depends on what your target score is. If you target 160 or less, I think it is definitely doable. 160 is an excellent score and you will be able to possibly negotiate some money with that/get accepted to a good school. However, are you tied down with an absolute time commitment? Law school is quite a time/monetary investment, and the difference between studying the LSAT for 2 months and 6+ months can mean all the world.
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    There's no rush and taking I December with no work out in yet will make you rush. Just start your prep and set your sights on June at the earliest. Unless you want to go to a bad law school or a mediocre law school at sticker then it's in your best interest to take your time on this end.
  • allergicallergic Alum Member Inactive Sage
    246 karma
    It depends on your diagnostic score and your target score. Without knowing those numbers, I would say you probably don't have enough time to study before the December exam. You should take your time and get the best LSAT score you can.
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