I have PT 74 left to take. I was going to take it Friday morning at the same time the LSAT is being held on Saturday. I'm concerned with burnout, as my scores tend to dip if I take two PT's too close together (I've performed better with 4 days between, and worse with less, though correlation/causation could certainly be an issue here).
It's Tuesday. I took PT 73 last night. How should I go about taking my last PT? Should I just do sections over the course of the week?
Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more.
if you can't be talked out of taking a PT this week ... either take it as a timed 3 section or untimed as folks have said. this close to the test you don't need to be seeing a score, IMO.
it's a complete red herring
imagined danger
a "calm down and stop studying" haiku
Do you think it would be better to split the test up then and do a section every morning?
I realize I'm not going to make any gains, and I've already reached my goal score, I just want to keep my brain sharp.
Oh and also, starting today I've been waking up at 7am, and doing 2 old sections of LR and LG that I've done before (only PT 70s). I just feel like I'm helping my brain think at that time. Is this counter productive?
What do you think about doing some old sections everyday in the morning? Worth it at all?