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How to study for December when I have already taken ALL recent preptests

ChiemekaChiemeka Alum Member
in General 13 karma

I was wondering how i should continue studying for the December exam if I have already taken every recent prep-test? I have taken from 50-75 while I studied for the October lsats. Additionally, I used the earlier tests for drilling. I am currently retaking random recent prep-tests in hopes that this helps me prep for December.


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Retakes are totally valuable, but at this point we are 8 days out so you shouldn't be doing much of anything but maintenance to stay in the right mindset.
  • ChiemekaChiemeka Alum Member
    13 karma
    In what way do these redone practice exams predict my possible score for the December test?
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Why do you need to predict your score? You're totally focused on the wrong thing. You need to be focused on the learning process, not seeing a score for instant gratification and thinking that will necessarily translate to game day. We are 7 days out, all the major gains to be made have already been made. This week is about staying fresh, staying relaxed, and getting in the right mindset for next Saturday. Thinking you need to predict your score is not the right mindset because you still need to go in and do the work on test day. If you want a prediction, take your three most recent scores and average them and you'll get plus or minus three points. If it's your first take, probably more likely on the minus side.
  • nicole.hopkinsnicole.hopkins Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    7965 karma
    Yeah ... You can't fix anything at this point. Sorry. Either you're ready or you're not. PT scores are not the only way to gauge readiness. You should already know without needing those scores to confirm.
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