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Feb Test Advice..

LARamsNationLARamsNation Member
in General 592 karma
Hey everyone, I wanted to see if anyone could share some insight on their strategy for Feb. I took the test in Dec. but cancelled the score. Anyway, I was averaging around 164/168BR through pt 69, then dipped to 160/164BR through Pts 70-76. I believe I have a stronghold over LR.. I feel like I just haven't fully adjusted to the nuances with the 70+ tests. That's not to say they're harder per se, but one can't deny a subtle shift in LR stimuli and harder RC passages --- sans the most recent administration ;) . I average around -5.4 for LR, -7.4 for games... and -9.7 for RC on PTs 70-76. Where do you guys think I can gain the biggest improvement in time for the feb exam? Should I focus on games? I know I can do better with RC, but I feel like I can make quicker gains in the other sections... thoughts? Should I start PTing asap or in Jan?


  • GSU HopefulGSU Hopeful Core
    1644 karma
    @180orBust Absolutely get to work on those games. If you are still in the -7 to -8 range for games, there are a lot of points that you are leaving on the table. For the amount of time you have left, the games are your best shot at making up ground. Address those deficiencies and I would def start PTing now... like yesterday. Am I mistaken in thinking you don't have any fresh tests?
  • LARamsNationLARamsNation Member
    592 karma
    @"GSU Hopeful" lol, no. You are not mistaken... Which is why I've been lagging on starting back up with PTs. Thinking I'm gonna start at PT 63 and work my way up... CRAZY BR the day of a PT, then on non-pt days I was gonna drill games, my weakest LR spots, work on Cambridge's difficult LR packet, and sprinkle in some RC to stay fresh.. I just hope limiting myself to PT 63 and up won't completely destroy me in lieu of seeing those questions (relatively) recently. .
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    If you're not in the -0 to -2 range on LG (for a misread and substitution) then you really shouldn't be sitting for an actual exam since it's likely going to skew a bit worse. That being said, there is no upside to a cancellation on or after test day so whatever happens next time, just take the score. Shore up that LG daily and let the LR help your RC. Good luck!
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