Hey everyone, I wanted to see if anyone could share some insight on their strategy for Feb. I took the test in Dec. but cancelled the score. Anyway, I was averaging around 164/168BR through pt 69, then dipped to 160/164BR through Pts 70-76. I believe I have a stronghold over LR.. I feel like I just haven't fully adjusted to the nuances with the 70+ tests. That's not to say they're harder per se, but one can't deny a subtle shift in LR stimuli and harder RC passages --- sans the most recent administration

. I average around -5.4 for LR, -7.4 for games... and -9.7 for RC on PTs 70-76. Where do you guys think I can gain the biggest improvement in time for the feb exam? Should I focus on games? I know I can do better with RC, but I feel like I can make quicker gains in the other sections... thoughts? Should I start PTing asap or in Jan?