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Retake question..

aoconnoraoconnor Free Trial Member
in General 12 karma
Alright, Dec 2015 was the first time I sat for the LSAT and I ended up getting a 165. My PT average was a 167 near the end (having started at a 155). I'm not applying this cycle (owe a few more years to the Air Force first) but am trying to knock out the LSAT now while I have the time to study.

My GPA was, unfortunately, only a 3.31 (I had too much fun freshman year), so to get to any schools I'd like to go to, I need to be scoring at least a 170-173.

I spent about 3 hours a day, 5 days a week for 5 weeks studying for the December test. So, my question is: do you think I have any shot getting to the 170s by June? And if so, how do I go about studying at this point, since I've already finished all three powerscore books and PTs 62-71?

TL;DR: got a 165, want a 170. Should I retake in June, and how do I study?


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Definitely retake in June. I'd grab the Trainer and the Starter pack and take a few months to get through all that. Then pick up with PTs in the 40s, 50s and 70s in March or April and do some excellent clean copy BR and you should be getting some good progress, especially since 5 weeks is nothing when it comes to studying for the LSAT.
  • aoconnoraoconnor Free Trial Member
    12 karma
    @Pacifico I like the way you think!
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