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Major GPA

cahunt5221cahunt5221 Alum Member
in General 47 karma
Hi there, I have a very basic question about admissions. I am a traditional splitter with a relatively solid LSAT (169) but a 3.4 GPA. However my major GPA is a 3.65, and I have an upward trend, I have seen some people say that law schools take this into account, but does anyone think that it could have more than a negligible impact on schools in my target range? (Essentially 12-20 in the rankings)


  • stepharizonastepharizona Alum Member
    3197 karma
    From everything I've read it won't. The LSAC UPGA is the main thing. You could always write an addenda for it but most suggest only doing that is you had a D or F. Or if there were other circumstances that accounted for the poor grades.

    However, with a great LSAT the GPA might not play as big of role.

  • stepharizonastepharizona Alum Member
    3197 karma
    Oh you could highlight the GPA Major in your resume to have it stand out along with you're cumulative.
  • cahunt5221cahunt5221 Alum Member
    47 karma
    Ahh great idea, thanks!
  • nordeendnordeend Alum Member
    349 karma
    I would say you are in great shape for a top school. Since you can't change your numbers now, I would focus on writing a bomb personal statement and securing solid LORs. Keep in mind that even if the numbers line up you can blow it with a bad personal statement. Also, make it a point to not repeat anything in the different parts of your application. Any law school will see your transcript so I would be careful to highlight different GPAs---these officials know what to look for and they don't need you to tell them that.
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