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Listed Target Times

aaronvoldmanaaronvoldman Free Trial Member
edited January 2016 in Logic Games 5 karma
Target times in games will vary based off of one's respective LSAT goal score. Are the games target times listed by 7sage guided towards someone seeking a particular score? Depending on if someone is seeking to hit a 165-170, 170-175, or 175+ score, how should one relate to the target times listed?


  • runiggyrunruniggyrun Alum Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2481 karma
    I believe the target times suggested are for people who want to finish the whole section in 35 min or less (hopefully with 100% accuracy). JY often starts the explanation with "if you want to finish the whole section this game shouldn't take you longer than X). The total score will depend on performance on the other sections, but the game curriculum/time limits are geared toward people who want to achieve perfect LG sections
  • Nicole HopkinsNicole Hopkins Alum Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    4344 karma
    @aaronvoldman said:
    Depending on if someone is seeking to hit a 165-170, 170-175, or 175+ score, how should one relate to the target times listed?
    Pretty much anyone can attain that level of mastery, so why worry about whether it applies to you? JY's not a unicorn—those target times are representative goals for real humans (you). Trust me, you need to shore up additional points wherever you can get them since there is an anecdotally strong likelihood that you will underperform on your first take.

    So you should go ahead and assume you need to be working towards completion in around the same amount of time.

    Because you're worth it and you can do it :D I PROMISE!
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