Proctors: Several available; extremely communicative and helpful. Kept things organized.
Facilities: Clean, quiet and easily accessible.
What kind of room: Classroom.
How many in the room: Approximately 40 to my recollection.
Desks: Long lecture style seating with a seat in between.
Left-handed accommodation: They left a seat in between each person and no one was seated directly adjacent to a wall.
Noise levels: Extremely quiet.
Parking: I was driven to the test but there was plenty of parking.
Time elapsed from arrival to test: I got there early, but approximately half hour or so from the actual time they said to be there.
Irregularities or mishaps: None.
Other comments: Great, professional testing center.
Would you take the test here again? Hopefully I never have to take it again (but a good center)!
Date[s] of Exam[s]: February 6, 2016