Quick question:
I took LSAT 76 in October 2015, do I have access to pdfs of those sections through the lsac website? I did cancel my score, but I know I have since seen pdfs of the sections on the lsac site.
Was I imagining this? Where can I find it?
A special note you only have access for 6 months. I went to download 76 a few days ago, but it was no longer available, as the 6 months had passed.
I think, even if you cancel you still have access to it... but I am not 100% sure.
Thanks for the help!
The formatting of the kindle versions looked like walls of text. I don't own a kindle, but I was using the kindle app on my mac. I thought converting to pdf would fix the formatting, and it did not help.
I guess I'll need to purchase hard copies with hard cash.