I hope I help someone out and provide some encouragement for anyone who is trying to score above a 165. My LSAT prep has been a long and treacherous road for me. My diagnostic exam was a 142, when I found out my score, I thought I could never score high enough to get into my dream schools. It was a slap to the face and a good wake up call because I realized how serious this exam was. I studied more than 30 hours a week, with extensive blind review sessions and endless hours of going back to the curriculum to understand the fundamentals of the LSAT. Regardless of how long I studied I was barely increasing my score and all my friends who were studying with me were meeting their goals on the LSAT ( I was really happy for them but I was left discouraged). I honestly gave up when I couldn't score above a 150, I felt hopeless and was extremely burnt out. I was unmotivated to the point where I said F*** It! I took about 2 months off from studying for the LSAT (I started studying in June 2015) and I came to the realization, that becoming a lawyer is my dream job. As a kid, everyone asked you what do you want to be when you grow up, and I always answered A LAWYER! Thereon after, I didn't study harder but smarter, I knew burnout was a real thing and it can be a real B**** to deal with, so I set a schedule and stuck to it. I occasionally went out with friends and tried to exercise more to help me relax. My score was quickly rising from a 142 to a 158 ( my June 2016 LSAT Score). I was really happy with my increase in score, 16 points isn't that bad of an increase, but I was not satisfied because I knew I could do better. So after I received my June LSAT score, I took 2 weeks to gather my thoughts and understand how I should approach studying again after nearly a month off. I set myself a schedule of 6 hours a day (from 9 AM - Noon and from 1PM- 4 PM). I never went above this study time and never went over (except when taking the Practice tests). I am proud to say we are nearly 1 month and 13 days away from the exam and I have exceeded my expectations and I am averaging a 167. I just honestly want to say, when you feel unmotivated, discouraged, and beaten, you have to find it within yourself to make a comeback. I felt as if the LSAT was Ivan Drago from Rocky IV and I was Rocky. When it seems like you lost and you have been defeated just remember the bell hasn't rung yet, so you have to get up and start giving it your all and come out the fight VICTORIOUS!
*Please excuse any typos*
This was truly inspiring! Thank you for sharing. You should be proud, that is an amazing accomplishment! No doubt you are going to kill the LSAT on the real day!