My question is regarding the letters of recommendation for LSAC. I decided that I am going to apply next year for law school (not ready for the LSAT), but I want to get my other requirements for the application process out of the way. I was wondering if I get my professors to send my letter of recommendations in this year, if I will be able to use it for next year's application. I just want to make sure that LSAC wont delete the letters from the system when the new application cycle begins.
I tried calling LSAC but they are closed today and I already contacted my professors for the letters of rec.
If you're out of school already, then congrats on being ahead of the curve!
I worked with the Dean of my college in Student Council two years ago and since I was abroad for a year I thought it would be best to reach out to her now, just in case I don't have the time to work with her further this year since I'm trying to boost my GPA and get a high LSAT score.
But if you have any further comments or recommendations I would greatly appreciate!
@montaha.rizeq Jordan, Egypt, and Israel