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Efficacy of LSAT Starter

NapesterNapester Alum Member
in General 11 karma
Ok, so I am new to 7sage and so far it has been amazing. I'm learning so much, its awesome. However, I am troubled cuz I dont know if I am selling myself short using the LSAT Starter package because I'm only getting the easiest questions. So I would hate to think that I am doing all this work and learning so much, but there is really a cap on what I am learning because of the package. So if anyone has upgraded or knows the quantifiable difference between the LSAT starter and other programs, could you explain the difference? Like are the tougher questions built into the lessons or is it like harder options later in this course, or how does that work exactly? Any insight would be awesome!


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @Napester said:
    So if anyone has upgraded or knows the quantifiable difference between the LSAT starter and other programs, could you explain the difference? Like are the tougher questions built into the lessons or is it like harder options later in this course, or how does that work exactly? Any insight would be awesome!
    I had the Starter up until last month and I actually decided to restart the entire course that stemmed from the same concern you have, so I can definitely speak on it.

    First, the core curriculum is the same. So the lessons and all that - you aren't missing out on anything.

    The tougher questions appear as problem sets. For example, when I had the starter course, there was only a few problem sets of weakening questions. Now with the Ult + there is like 12. There is a lot more, and obviously they vary in difficulty. Also you get the video explanations for the extra problem sets.

    Also, now I have a question bank of 1900+ questions with explanations that I can sort by type. I'm sure it will be very helpful when I begin PT'ing and need to drill any weak areas.

    The biggest part of why I wanted to get the Ult + was you get PT 36-78 with explanations as opposed to 36-44 or whatever with the starter. This was sine qua non for me to feel comfortable during my PT phase. To be honest, that and LG were the main reasons I got 7Sage to begin with. It turned out to be so much better than I could have ever imagined that I decided to use it for everything!

    So to answer your question, yes, there is a quantifiable difference when you upgrade. If you like the course so far, and have the money, it is without a doubt worth it to upgrade. after having the starter for a while and now the Ult + for a while, it is worth the extra $.
  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    edited September 2016 11542 karma
    Alex said what I would say only he said it with more eloquence haha :) but the best advice I've seen on here regarding Starter pack success was:
    @nessa.k13.0 said:
    Depending on your previous exposure to other prep materials and access to LSAT tests, the Starter pack can be sufficient to get a competitive LSAT score (with an upgrade you still need to purchase the prep tests). If you are disciplined and need the fundamental lessons on lawgic and question types that J.Y. teaches along with 10 full test explanations to get you going, purchasing additional tests and drilling will be enough. If you need or want more test explanations J.Y. style, then definitely upgrade to get all the test explanations (I've considered the LSAT Ultimate+ to get the 70s tests, but I have been able to understand and correct my mistakes on a more recent test). If you have good BRs and can assess your mistakes and understand why and when you get questions wrong, then upgrading could be something you can forgo. LSAT Hacks has free explanations for all the question types for PTs 29 to 77 here-- While the LSAT Hacks explanations are no where near as thorough and sassy as J.Y. explanations, they have been a great help to me in explaining why answers are wrong and they also have RC passage analysis.

    The good thing is that you can upgrade at any time. I planned to upgrade but decided against it because of what I learned through other test prep books (Power Score and the LSAT Trainer) before starting 7sage. Additionally, 7sage provides so many resources for free. The community here has also been amazingly helpful with all the free webinars, office hours, and BR groups. Why don't you see how you do with the Starter pack and upgrade if or when you need additional J.Y. test explanations to improve your score? I hope that helps!
    Not everyone has the money to get ult.+ and to be frank, the starter pack has been sufficient for many people such as Nessa. People underestimate its greatness because it's easy to assume that a $180 course won't take you far but that's why 7sage was created in the first place - to offer very inexpensive LSAT service for those who aspire to go to law school. Doesn't get any better than that :)
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