Responses were inconsistent. I believe they are suppose to say its October 20th as its written on their website. I do not hope much for today though. We shall see
I'm off this thread until scores are released. I just taught a class of 150+ and got excellent evaluations and got booked for 3 other classes so I'm on a high right now. Don't need the negative energy!
When asked, LSAC officials are always supposed to answer with the official release day. A few tests ago, a 7Sager called to ask about score release after having already received their score; and the reps still would not answer with anything other than the official release day. If you talk to an LSAC official, their answer will be the official one. It may very well be tomorrow, but don't put any stock into what anyone representing LSAC says.
@"Cant Get Right" I agree. when I called I wasn't convinced, I figured that he was just saying that. He said it way to passively. Anyways, until then at work I will be reading LSAt reddit posts and laughing at everyone shriveling in fear and then resume my own freak out from the hours of 4:30-7:30! lol see you then
omg this so painful im at work and I can barely breathe im almost done at 5. I just hope im at home before I get my score. so I can cry in the comfort of my own home
exact convo:
Sharon: "hey, I was just wondering when the September 2016 lsat scores would be release"
Guy: as far as I am concerned tomorrow
Sharon: tomorrow?
Guy: yup tomorrow
he didn't sound agitated he sounded really nice.
however, maybe he is saying that because the expected date is tomrrow
Edit: @TheLoftGuy
180 = -2
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150= -45
145= -54
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per killoran