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Should I Retake?

cargeo77cargeo77 Free Trial Member
in General 10 karma
I left this question in another discussion, but figured it would be more appropraite to create a new thread, as I am sure many are asking themselves this same question. Here's my case:

So I was PTing between a 159 and a 162 toward the end of my prep. I got a 158 and was really hoping for a 160 or above. I feel like a 2-3 point increase could make a reasonable difference in scholarship money, which is why I would be willing to take it again. This test was a little bit off considering the virus game (which I surprisingly didn't do so poorley on) and the RC (wich I did way below my average). What do you guys think? Should I retake in Dec.??

FYI: this would be my third time. I canceled my first score.


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @cargeo77 said:
    I got a 158 and was really hoping for a 160 or above. I feel like a 2-3 point increase could make a reasonable difference in scholarship money, which is why I would be willing to take it again
    Yes, you should 100% retake. You didn't reach your potential or your goal it sounds like. And on top of it, you left scholarship money on the table. Spending the extra time to prep now (3-6 months) is undoubtedly worth the $$ you could receive in scholarships!

    If it is your third time though, make sure you give yourself enough time to get your PT average at least 5 points above a score you would be comfortable applying with. To be honest, I don't think this test was "off" because of the virus game or the difficult RC passage. If it felt "off" that is just an indication you need more time to master the skills you need to do well on this test. So don't rush to take in December if you're not going to be ready. No harm in waiting another cycle while simultaneously prepping!

    Good Luck!
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